dinsdag 5 mei 2009

Add role to user

In my quest to learn vmware:
Adding permissions to a user.

Use the VI Client to connect to the ESX server.
Select the Server in the left pane, and then click on the Users & Groups tab in the right pane.

Create User:
Click on the Users button
Right Click and Select Add
Specify the desired User Name, Password, etc and Click OK

Create a Local Group
Click on the Groups button
Right click and select Add
Enter the group name you want and enter the User Name you created above in the User Name field and click Add
Click OK to create the group

Assign Permissions
Click on the Permissions Tab
Right Click and Select Add Permission
Click on the Add button and select the Group you created above and click on the Add button.
Click on the OK button.
Make sure the Assigned Role is set to Read-Only and click OK.

The information was from this thread. Thanks bflynn0!~

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